A Government Investment Strategy Blueprint
At this challenging time, the role of the Telco has never been so important. They are key to retaining any semblance of normalcy in a COVID affected social and enterprise setting. More importantly, they are a key actor that will be crucial in enabling nations to manage the transition out of COVID-19 related stagnation but also in providing a resilient national infrastructure and stimulate GDP growth.
There are numerous strategies that governments can utilize to invest in stimulating growth by strengthening the Telco position.
In this free whitepaper, Stuart Carlaw, ABI Research's Chief Research Officer, outlines some of those available levers and touches on:
- The Telco Pre COVID-19
- Telcos During COVID-19
- Telcos as a COVID-19 Recovery Engine
- How governments can support Telcos to drive post-COVID-19 growth
- Challenges for government investment