The push for smart energy solutions in business operations is driven not only by external pressures (e.g., consumers, investors, and other stakeholders) to enhance sustainability but also by the potential for cost savings. With the right smart energy technologies and software, enterprises of all sizes can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and maximize their profits.
From the electric grid to day-to-day business operations, every aspect of the energy value chain is in a transitional phase that is bound to result in more robust connectivity and sensorization. The transition to renewable energy in the enterprise domain presents a plethora of opportunities for smart technology providers, energy utilities, and professional services companies.
However, some roadblocks still stand in the way of this reality. To learn more about the potential and current pratfalls of smart energy solutions in the enterprise sector, ABI Research recently surveyed 114 manufacturing companies to learn more about their priorities, challenges, spending, and forecasts for the future.
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