At ABI Research, we understand the growing worldwide focus on smart energy. With sustainability and cost-saving imperatives at the forefront, coupled with the rapid electrification trends in mobility, transportation, and automation, it's clear that the energy landscape is undergoing a remarkable transformation.
To meet the demands of this evolving energy ecosystem, the entire energy value chain must be revolutionized. From the grid to the enterprise, we envision a future where every aspect is sensorized, connected, embedded, and seamlessly integrated into end-to-end management software systems. As a critical new asset, energy storage systems will play a pivotal role in achieving this vision.
The path to zero-carbon energy systems is winding and complex, which is why we recognize the indispensable role of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based automation. With the highly fragmented nature of next-generation energy infrastructure, AI will be the driving force behind effective and efficient management.
Enterprises and industries face unique challenges and opportunities in their pursuit of smart energy solutions. Reliability and resilience are paramount for sectors such as manufacturing, mining, and life sciences. Decarbonization is a pressing concern in the supply chain, while energy cost savings drive businesses in the retail and hospitality sectors.
To empower these key players, ABI Research has launched the Smart Energy for Enterprises & Industries Research Service. Our team of expert analysts will provide invaluable insight and guidance, enabling you to navigate the globally disrupted energy markets. We are here to help you achieve energy independence, transition to renewable energy, and leverage a range of cutting-edge technologies and services to unlock significant cost-saving potentials.
Download the whitepaper to learn more.