From the start of its development and the first standardization work in The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), 5G has always focused on providing cellular connectivity for enterprise verticals, in addition to the legacy consumer focus in which previous generations excelled. For the enterprise community, 5G is much more than just “4G + another G,” as the distinct features of 5G allow for completely new applications for connectivity on several enterprise verticals.

Successfully addressing the enterprise opportunity requires the telco industry to adjust their offerings to more demanding conditions than what they are used to from the consumer domain.

To understand the role that System Integrators are playing for enterprise 5G deployments, this whitepaper examines three distinct verticals:

  • Automotive & Industrial Manufacturing
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Logistics & Ports

These sectors show the starkest immediate interest in private cellular connectivity and are, therefore, driving the market. 

Download our whitepaper to learn more. 

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