Due to the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape and the effort by hostile actors to find and exploit reported software and hardware vulnerabilities, companies are facing more sophisticated threats. While IT departments are using security assurance to help secure their systems, technology vendors are applying enhanced security assurance practices to improve the resilience of their products and responses when a security vulnerability is found in a product.
ABI Research sought to understand the product security assurance landscape from the perspective of enterprise customers, as well as the chipset semiconductor vendors that need to ensure that the most robust security assurance framework is in place.
ABI Research conducted a survey of 302 enterprise customer-based respondents to gain insight into how they view the product security assurance of the technology equipment they are purchasing. ABI Research delved into the issues, concerns, and priorities enterprise customers have regarding the security of the Information Technology (IT) equipment they are purchasing. ABI Research also conducted in-depth, discursive interviews with enterprise customers that complemented the quantitative survey.
The study was sponsored by Intel. Research independently conducted by ABI Research