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Until recently, the IoT has relied on technologies and services built for the smartphone. As the IoT has grown, these technologies have found a place either by being repurposed into new use-cases or, increasingly, through refinements as these use-cases become more specialized. LPWA networks, battery, and antenna components, data analytics, and edge computing are among key advancements extending innovation into the IoT ecosystem.
Location is another area that has received particular interest. Legacy technologies, from standard GNSS to network-based positioning (e.g. Cell-ID or enhanced Cell-ID) are increasingly proving unfit in satisfying the requirements of asset tracking use-cases needing low-cost, low-power, and low-form factor devices. Beyond asset tracking, location is increasingly seen as a valuable piece of data even in applications where positioning is not the primary focus. Creating a fit-for-purpose location technology is a key boundary that needs to be crossed to power the next generation of IoT devices and deliver the tracking and location capabilities which will enable massive IoT.
This whitepaper introduces a new approach to positioning over low-power LTE/5G technologies, namely device-based positioning as developed by PHY Wireless. The whitepaper:
- Examines the specific technology conditions that will drive the next generation of IoT devices
- Analyzes how the market for location services is evolving to meet these requirements
- Looks at how cellular positioning technologies are aiming to capitalize on this market
- Introduces PHY Wireless’ new approach with device-based positioning, outlining its benefits and limitations relative to other technologies on the market, and explaining how this approach addresses changing market conditions