The year 2021 was a tumultuous one full of challenges in the world of technology, and it is clear that 2022 will be filled with numerous trends that are destined to change various industries forever. Some of the 2022 trends will exacerbate the trends from 2021, while new trends will take shape.
The fallout from COVID-19 prevention measures, the process of transitioning from pandemic to endemic disease, and global political tensions all weigh heavily on the trends for 2022. Supply chain issues will persist, 5G will continue to struggle in the enterprise sector and won’t be seen on the production line, UWB will start to bring precise location to the fore, and the Chinese vendor community will retain its stranglehold on the IoT module market. These are among the 35 predictions the ABI Research team of analysts has taken a position of on what will happen, along with 35 trends we should not expect in 2022--despite the hype, column inches, and mass media focus.
This whitepaper is a tool for our readers to help shape their understanding of the key critical trends that look set to materialize in 2022 as the world begins to emerge from the shadow of COVID-19. While next year is likely to remain challenging, it also projects promise and opportunity.