In preparing to turn the corner on one of the most tumultuous years we have ever seen, 2021 will require that organizations put a finger on what will stimulate market responses and what the fabric of those new paradigms will look like. There are several potential outcomes for every new situation, and never have the table stakes been higher.
The team of analysts at ABI Research has made 68 technology predictions of events that will and will not happen in 2021. These predictions are informed by the many hundreds of in-person interviews we conduct every year, the millions of original data points we produce, and the collegiate approach to research that allows our analysts to collaborate beyond static silos and see trends early in the gray margins where market boundaries rub against each other and cause friction.
All companies, regardless of size, market, or industry must embrace evolution and implementation with enthusiasm. A resilient company that is well set to grow post-pandemic will be characterized by its digital agility as much as anything else. We will help you see those fundamental trends early and take a view on those trends that are buoyed by hyperbole and those that are sure to be uncomfortable realities. Now is the time to double down on the right technology investment.
Download the whitepaper to learn more.