5G Networks will feature new built-in security controls by design to provide better protection mechanisms to mobile networks and end users. In addition, the technology will be able to leverage new architectures, such as network slicing, virtualization, and the cloud, which will simultaneously open up the threat landscape and provide new opportunities for security deployment.

Panelists will discuss the possibilities for leveraging these new built-in controls and abstracted architectures for 5G network security. In particular, participants will be invited to discuss the following topics:

  • What kind of network security solutions are likely to be used in 5G architectures?
  • How will network slicing and virtualization affect the delivery of security to various verticals and regions?
  • What will be the main challenges for telcos in securing 5G networks?
  • Who will benefit from offering security solutions to 5G operators?

Menting_2017Michela Menting
Research Director

Gazeley_2018Sam Gazeley
Research Analyst

Dimitrios-PavlakisDimitris Pavlakis
Principal Analyst