ABI Research's Competitive Rankings reports provide robust, detailed analysis for technology companies looking to understand how they stack up to their competition, or for those searching for the right technology provider. Our reports give insight into numerous markets and assess companies' implementation and innovation strategies from a series of in-depth, comprehensive criteria.
This whitepaper summarizes the results of six recent reports, and establishes the leading companies in innovation and implementation, across these categories:
- SCADA/HMI Software - Assessing and comparing 14 suppliers to understand and evaluate the quality of their offerings and global scalability
- Automated Border Control Systems - Identifying key leaders in the global market
- Enterprise Wi-Fi and WLAN Vendors - 10 companies were ranked, with in-depth breakdown of each vendor's hardware portfolio, software offerings, strategic partnerships, notable acquisitions, commercial influence, service models, and support packages
- Autonomous Forklift System Vendors - The vendors assessed provide at least one of the following form factors: reach truck, counterbalance stacker, pallet stacker, pallet truck, and pallet jack
- Manufacturing Data Analytics - This ranking distills the key characteristics and unique selling points of 10 data analytics vendors
- Autonomous Vehicle Platforms - Identifies the leading suppliers of autonomous vehicle platforms to OEMs, as well as in platform development
Download the whitepaper to learn more.